About us

Die Genuss Geschwister

Our passion and enthusiasm for cooking, baking and nature was instilled in us at an early age. Our mom spoiled us every day with freshly cooked meals using ingredients from our own vegetable garden. Our grandma is now 80, cooks daily and still bakes with the same passion as ever.

The scent of fresh bread always reminds us of days spent together; Every summer the entire family harvested fruit, preserved juice, boiled jam and compotes.
Everything that nature gave us was meticulously conserved by the whole family – and we children smack in the middle of all the preserving action.

We decided to continue our family tradition, but not only to supply our relatives with our products, but to make our delicacies available to the public. We are impulsive, creative, passionate siblings who love what they do! … And one can taste this enthusiasm, passion and love in our products.

Pamela about Kerstin

Cook and pastry chef with passion!

Kerstin completed her apprenticeship as a cook and restaurant specialist in a renowned restaurant and later worked as a patissier in other top catering establishments.

Kerstin contributes her huge technical knowledge and her incredible creativity to our projects!

Kerstin about Pamela

Mum of 2 great boys, hobby cook, bread baker and forest ranger.

During her parental leave, Pamela found back to her roots of cooking and baking bread for her family. She wanted her kids to have the same beautiful childhood memories as she did; the smell of fresh bread for breakfast together with homemade jam is unbeatable!

As tradition has it, her two boys are smack in the middle of it all.  They are enthusiastic about helping to sort apples, pick cherries, taste samples and simply love to help!

Who knows, maybe the two will become the next generation of Genuss Geschwister?